Mission: To be a Platform
We are here as a beacon for art and expression in all mediums.
We are here to restore a sense of belonging to a local community in the post-pandemic un-quarantining,. A reopening of our eyes to the world around us often lost in the fog and pollution of politics and tech and mainstream media.
We are here to not be a Repeater, but a Base Station.
We are here to put AI in its place knowing emotion empathy and holy cosmic creative art creation has alway been the only thing that separates a writer from a typer.
To fill the void of local news coverage with a light on the politics, management, problems, and imbalance that shape our environment.
To celebrate the good works and expose those guided by self-interest or unaware of the repercussion of their actions.
To be a Rebirth of Journalism, a rebellion against the public relations marketing bots and the poison of ultra-partisanship
We are here to unearth the lost stories of the past and those who have come before us.
We are here to build a team, as an Incubator for the up-and-coming and as an assembly of the experienced; creative contributors from the community that will help us build these blocks.
We are here to be a voice for the disenfranchised.
We are here to restore a sense of belonging to a local community in the post-pandemic un-quarantining, reopening our eyes to the world around us often lost in the fog and pollution of politics and tech and mainstream media.
We are here to break the monotony of the chain-store corporate mentality by celebrating local businesses and work.
We are here to break the disconnection to life that comes with cellular social life.
To take out the earbuds for a bit and listen to the local sounds.
To not uber-order but eat outdoors at a cafe savor the olfactory sense culinary artists at work.
To not gather our news from mainstream national media and local public relation reports but from those involved and those who live here.