(Editor’s Note) This is an unfinished page. We are currently gathering images of the project and stories from all of the artists and participants. Interested in working on this piece, reach out to us. Send to 16blocks2.0@gmail.com
“Untagging the Town” project.
We curated, commissioned, and located the downtown spaces with amenable business owners co-producing 12 murals with Blacksburg Neighborhood Services Director Kim Kirk.

He is now the tour manager for Emancipator and put his obscenely creative skills to with man projects big and small over the years.

The artist AO atop the ladder working on the second one on the other end of Muralist’s Row between DP Dough and Hokie Hair. A member of the street team holds the ladder while the publisher and head of the safety team drinks coffee.

He painted this one which is ~10 yards diagonal across the alley eyeshot away from the tall lady.



This is first looking from left to right. We recruited Toobz after seeing his work at a mural park in downtown Roanoke and at Wasana Tap Room.